5 Bikini Booty Moves!

Do each move x12, then go back and repeat 

1 Legged Squats

Make sure your weight is fully on one leg and the other leg is just there for support. Do x12 for each leg!

Curtsey Off Low Step

On a low step or stack of books, cross one leg back and behind the other, kneeling down into a curtsey lunge. Do x12 for each leg!

1 Leg Cable Buttkick 

Make sure the cable is taught and then kick straight back (Make sure the weights don’t clink together between reps!) Pick a weight that feels difficult, but doable and do x12 each leg

Standing Cable External Leg Rotation


Stand in front of the cable and with your outer leg hooked up to the machine, rotate your leg in your hip to rotate your leg externally. Make sure your knee stays in line with your standing leg! Do x12 each leg


Table Top Leg Lift

On your hands and knees in table top position, extend one leg out to the side and raise it up to about hip height (or as close to that as you can go). Lower you foot back down to the floor and repeat x25 each side