So over and over and over again including my own neck I go through phases of where my neck muscles lock up or are just achy. It really stems from my lack of mobility to the right side with my upper torso which makes me strain my neck more when looking to the right. Of course odd sleeping positions, text neck or lifting super heavy in the gym activating latent trigger points. Whatever or whenever you seem to find yourself in this pain in the neck try this technique to help alleviate the length or intensity.
Check out the video below where I show you few different ways to get into the technique/stretch method. Figure out what you have around the house (structures or props) to make this happen. Yoga blocks are great as well as a window sill or at the gym on a squat rack or bench press.
CLICK HERE IF YOU WANT A FREE VIRTUAL FITNESS CONSULT (VALUE $87) or Custom strength training program starting at $75.
South Carolina Energy Fitness relocated site update: Framing is up for showers, bathrooms and massage rooms. Framing from top of rooms to ceiling actually had to happen this week as well as finishing the wall between the landlords space and our space as well as framing inside for the 2 windows to be on the front of the building. Still figuring out where boxing bag will hang. It’s coming together albeit slower than I want but I am keeping patient as it will be awesome. Meanwhile I am spreading the word in town to new people I meet, like when I got my booster Covid shot.
While you wait for onsite or if you don’t live in the area, why put off your fitness…..
If you haven’t had a functional movement assessment with a professional observe the way you move different joints and movements with your hips, shoulders, and spine then how do you know you are doing the most effective strength training, flexibility or cardio program? Hire someone like me to get you on track with a program to help you reduce current pain, eliminate pain, improve your current program or enhance your athletic performance.