We will meet with you onsite or online via Zoom. We do a complete nutrition assessment with paperwork, questionnaires, and the right goal-setting and habits questions. A meal plan will be formulated that best suits your goals, lifestyle, and body type.

Our nutrition programs are designed to:

  • Identify the factors that are holding you back
  • Teach you what works for your body
  • Give you meal plans that are easy to follow
  • Give you easy recipes
  • Achieve and maintain your goals

What’s Included: 

  1. We review your completed paperwork (which includes a 3-day food journal) that gives us great insight into where you are now and see the big picture of what changes may need to be implemented for optimal success.
  2. Next, we meet with you for about 30 minutes ($87 for each individual)
  3. Onsite appointments we do a mini-assessment (weight, body fat, a few body circumference measurements & pics or you can send us your own). You can’t get progress numbers unless you know where you started.
  4. After your appointment, we email you 2 – 3 meal plans best suited for your goals, lifestyle, and body type. [AND blood type & if you purchased the hair test for over 1,400 sensitivities we can really get results faster because it’s customized. Just a snippet of hair mailed in and we send you the report that includes food, chemicals, etc.]
  5. Follow-up appointments are only $35 for a quick 15 min. re-assessment. If you want to schedule a re-assessment combined with more nutrition coaching and another meal plan then $50 will be the fee for a total of 25-minute appointment.


Need More ACCOUNTABILITY? purchase 4 weeks of weekly check-in texts/email questions for $40.

Call or text us at 901-466-6242 and tell us a little about yourself and some best times and days to get in touch with you.