Explore our FAQs to uncover insightful answers to commonly asked questions. Elevate your understanding and empower your fitness pursuit with expert knowledge, guiding you towards a stronger, healthier version of yourself.

Why do I need a personal trainer?

  • Mobility
    This is a fancy word or flexibility but it’s really more than that as it’s the ability of your joints and muscles to go into a full range of motion and not be restricted. Exercises, stretching, massage therapy, blading and cupping can all be helpful for increasing mobility but you have to be consistent.
  • Efficiency
    Personal Trainers help you focus on results and stop wasting your time doing workouts that are not getting you results. Too many people do the wrong things for their body or do more body building style or the same exercises over and over. We change your workouts every 12 sessions or 6 weeks with variation even withing that time range of exercises we have chosen.
  • Motivation
    It is much easier to stay motivated with someone encouraging you. Certified personal trainers/fitness professionals can provide structure and accountability and help you develop a lifestyle that encourages a healthy lifestyle.
  • Injury Managment
    There are so many ways to work around injuries and fitness professionals at Energy Fitness pride ourselves in finding creative ways for you to get your workouts and exercises in without causing further harm and in fact help you reduce or eliminate pain. Often times we see muscle imbalances that can be pulling you out of alignment causing pain to refer to a different part of the body. Hips, glutes and shoulders are the biggest culprits and we can see this during your functional movement screen
  • Balance Training
    This is important as we age as the ligaments get tighter and we lose muscle mass. All too often we have clients that haven’t done any exercise variations that work on balance and we have in our exercise toolbox or arthritis sets in and they are scared to hurt themselves. We have you hold onto something in the beginning and progress to not holding on or moving across the room or standing on one leg, twisting and all sorts of things as you get better balance.
  • Program Just For You
    If you have health issues, injuries, or training goals a trainer will work with you to plan a safe program that considers your needs and helps you to reach your health goals. We do functional movement assessments and a comprehensive assessment which gives us a snapshot of your current fitness level and the quality of your movement in different parts of your body. Using this information, goal setting and working around injuries we choose one of the programs Tonya created (over 280 total) and make tweeks to customize to your exact needs.
  • You are New to Exercise
    If you are just starting an exercise program, a personal trainer is the best way to begin. A good trainer will introduce you to a very simple, effective routine and build it efficiently so that before you know it, you have the confidence and knowledge to decide what is right for you.
  • Break-through Plateaus
    If you are stuck in the same routine and want to break out of a rut, a personal trainer is the perfect solution. A trainer will jump-start your motivation AND your day-to-day routine.
  • Variety of Exercises
    We can even begin to count on the multitude of variations and ways we can have you move your body. One client said “I’m mad at the trainer I had for 7 years as I have worked with you for 4 months and gotten more results in 30 minute sessions that the hours sessions I did before!” We get the variety coming which is great for people with exercise ADD.
  • Learn How to Go it Alone
    If you ultimately want to learn all the facets of designing your own routines so you don’t need to use a personal trainer, going for a few months may be all you need. All good personal trainers will teach you the basics of building and modifying a fitness program to achieve maximum results.
  • Workout Safely
    A personal trainer watches your form, monitors your vitals, and can provide objective feedback about your limits and strengths. Most of us tend to ignore some of the subtle signals our body provides. We either push through pain or give up too soon. Because a personal trainer can watch what you are doing while you are doing it, they can help push you or slow you down as necessary. If working out in a gym makes you self-conscious, a personal trainer at a small facility can focus on you and nobody else is looking!
  • Accountability
    Having and appointment with a trainer 2-3 times per week keeps you on task and reaching towards you goals. Set up your days and times with your trainer(s), show up and do the work and have fun while getting more fit and healthy.
  • Have ability to take care of yourself age you age and live independantly
    Too many clients as of late since Baby Boomers have aged have been taking care of one or more parent. This can be taxing on the care taker and yourself if you are getting to that age. You need the flexibility, strength, balance and mobility to be able to carry groceries, go up and down stairs, get up and down off floor and be able to wipe your own butt (This was brought to my attention from a client that’s 65 taking care of her mom and then realizing her own lack of ability to twist as well if you know what I mean.)
  • Train for a sport or equestrian
    We love working in the Greenville/Travelers Rest area because we are getting to serve a new population that are into horses. Early on in Memphis we trained a few clients that were award winning in showing Gaited Horses and Chariot Racing. You need a strong core when you are on an enormous animal and they are shifting directions.
    Each sport has different needs and especially flexibility needs. Cyclists and Runners need hip mobility and strong legs but don’t forget about balancing the body with upper body work and cross training. Calling all cyclists and runners! (Fyi…Tonya was a collegiate cross country and track runner as well as later competed in Triathlons)
    Golfers you need the ability to disassociate your upper quarter from your lower quarter, have good hip hinge, balance and shoulder flexibility.

  • Lose Weight
    Notice we listed this one last. This comes as a result of doing the workouts and being consistent. This will come and is honestly second to losing body fat. The more muscle you have the more fat you burn even at rest. There is a good reason that the number one reason people hire personal trainers is to lose weight and get into shape — it works. If you have made a resolution to lose fat and build muscle, a trainer can keep you on track and help you realize that goal.

What kind of programs do you offer?

Tonya has developed a method of training called “The Energize Method” that gets results for her clients quickly and safely. With fitness assessments, goal setting, nutrition coaching, meal plans, supplements, goal setting, cardio, mobility and flexibility training, proper form coaching, injury management, and accountability.

Our most common type of session is our customized small group training (groups of 2 to 4 clients working with one trainer, every client is doing their own program based off of their assessment and goals). We see clients from 2-3 times per week. Our clients often say that it is fast-paced, efficient, challenging, always full of variety and the most cost-effective. All of our personal training packages include customized meal plans (you can follow or not, just suggestions/templates) and accountability forms, an exclusive cardio express video link, cardio accountability forms, an exclusive Healthy Body Blueprint book, fitness assessments including functional movement screening based on TPI Level 1 Screening, training sessions, e-mail and phone support and accountability.

We offer private sessions on a limited availability basis.

We use body weight and dumbbell movements with other exercise equipment such as resistance bands, stability balls, medicine balls, slide boards, jump rope, cable machines, foam rollers, and other trigger point therapy devices and TRX.

An overview of some of our programs includes the following:

Weight Loss, Toning / Muscle Definition, basic and sport-specific flexibility, basic & advanced nutrition, sport-specific training/conditioning for running, golf, cycling, swimming, tennis, triathlons, paddling, hiking & keeping up with your kids & grandkids, boxing, balance, core strength, rehabilitation & post-rehab type programs with people that have previous injuries (we have many of these clients!).

Clients are asked to arrive five or ten minutes before each session starts to warm up and stretch. Sessions are 30 minutes in length. Sessions may consist of weight training, core strength development, cardio training, flexibility, etc., based on goals and fitness level.

How many days a week should I work with a trainer?

Two to four times per week is what we suggest. Clients are strongly encouraged to complete cardio and stretching workouts on their own on other days each week.

I have bad joints. How can I exercise?

There are plenty of athletes who complete entire marathons without the use of their legs or in a wheelchair. The point is, that if there is a will, there is a way! Our trainers are qualified and well-versed in how to work around bad joints. There are many alternative exercises as well as joint strengthening programs to help tone and condition the affected areas.

How much cardio should I do?

Weight loss + lean body = at least 2 days of sprint training lasting 10 to 28 minutes and 3-4 other days lasting from 20 minutes to 60 min. We call it Cardio Express and include an exclusive short video demonstration that explains how this method works and gives you the workout plan to utilize this method that gets RESULTS!

What is “core” strength?

“Core” strength refers to the core muscles that make up your midsection consisting mainly of the abdominal muscles and the lower back. Having a strong core helps in daily activities such as lifting, walking up stairs, maintaining good posture, etc.

How much rest do I need between weight training sessions?

Depending on how many days you workout with your trainer we design the workout so you can get ample rest for muscle groups. Generally 48 to 72 hours between muscle groups. You can work the upper body (chest, back, biceps, shoulders, triceps) on Monday for example, and work the lower body (quadriceps, hamstrings, gluteus maximus, calves) on Tuesday. Space your workouts evenly for best results and recovery between sessions. We also have clients that do resistance training on one day and cardio intervals supervised and guided the next day.

Can I work my abs every day?

Abs should have at least one day before working them again. And remember…“Flat abs start in the kitchen.”

Should I be sore after a workout?

Some soreness is normal. Most people have next-day or second-day soreness. This is referred to as delayed onset of muscle soreness (DOMS). This is because lactic acid has accumulated in the muscles and leaves some bi-product toxins with it. Cardiovascular exercise will help flush some of the lactic acid through your body. Drinking water and getting plenty of sleep help as well.

What time of day is the best to exercise?

This depends on your schedule. Morning is the best time for individuals trying to lose weight. It gets your metabolism going and keeps you from procrastinating.

How many calories do I need daily? How many grams of protein do I need every day? Our meal plans mostly encourage meal timing, portion size without having to count macros. Intuitive eating but here’s some numbers for those of you that like them:

Here’s the easiest and quickest answer.
(the numbers below are for people trying to lose weight):

Men: between 1400 and 1700 calories
Women: between 1300 and 1500 calories

Try to spread calories evenly throughout the day consuming 5 small meals/snacks every day.

Example: 1300 calories

Breakfast= 450
Snack (or first lunch)= 150

Lunch (or second lunch)= 250
Snack= 100
Dinner= 350

FACT: One pound of fat= 3,500 calories.

How many grams of protein do I need every day?

Consume between 70 and 90 grams every day.
For example (one egg is 4 grams, 4 ounces of chicken is 25 grams)

What is my ideal body fat percentage?

For men, the average is 16-20%
For women, the average is 19-23%
Each year past the age of 25 we lose 1/2% of muscle. For this reason, we are allowed more body fat as we age. We have charts that place each individual in an age group and give more specific and healthy ranges.

How much water do I need daily?

Divide your body weight in half. This is how many ounces of water you need every day. Add 4 ounces of water for every 15 minutes of exercise. The best water to consume is reverse osmosis (distilled) water. Pick good water quality to hydrate your body.

How many pounds should I lose per week?

One to two pounds per week is healthy. Losing more than that can result in loss of muscle mass.

Should I keep a food journal?

Yes, if you want to accurately see what your daily/weekly food portions and habits are. Time of day, portion, and where you eat are good things to write down. You can then pinpoint problem areas and make necessary changes. You might discover that every time you are in the kitchen you tend to eat without even knowing it. Also, if you have to write in your food journal that late-night binge you are much less likely to continue doing it.

How often should I buy new tennis shoes?

Every 3 to 6 months depending on what you use them for. Runners go by the rule of 300-500 miles. Shoes often wear out internally before the soles where out. If you are waiting for the soles to wear out, then you are way past due for new shoes. We suggest going to a running specialty store to get fitted properly.