If you’ve never worked out before, chances are you’ve tried to make it a habit at some point. Maybe you started too fast, got injured, or felt discouraged by not seeing immediate results. Perhaps you were frustrated by being out
Stretching the hamstrings is essential for preventing injuries, improving posture, and increasing overall mobility. Tight hamstrings can lead to back pain, restricted movement, and poor alignment, which affects how you feel and perform in everyday activities. Using our Energize Method,
Keeping your hips open is crucial for reducing lower back pain and maintaining a healthy gait, preventing it from turning into a waddle or limp. Incorporating these two stretches into your daily routine can make a significant difference.
1. Triangle
This exercise gives you a great hip hinge isometric hold whilst working the upper back and posterior shoulder. In the video below you can see me using a cable machine with a single handle. The hand position can be palm
As we age many people lose the ability to quickly and efficiently pick something off the floor. Is it lack of ankle flexibility/mobility or lack of strength in the quads and glutes? Maybe it’s both but for many it’s tight
Why is it when you get past one minor ache only to get another or does one cause the other. A few posts ago I blogged about fixing my latest shoulder / neck pain with reflexology. Seems that dragging the
We don’t think of foods that are good for our body and our needs until it’s affected. Why not eat healthy and incorporate these foods before signs of need. The 23 & me saliva test is a great genetic test
This week on Monday & Tuesday I did what some would say is back breaking labor. I did two days of landscaping for the relocated Energy Fitness in order to increase curb appeal. Highway 25 is a busy 6 lane
I just completed a cec course called Glute Reboot for my ACSM Exercise Physiologist certification. Lots of them were refreshers but then they got technical and in the weeds so I’ll pass on the need to know and broad strokes.
I’ve heard about bee pollen for years but never decided to add it to my already extensive health and wellness regimen. That changed last week after sitting in on the guest speaker for a Gardening Merit badge for Scouting that