Nagging Pain Near Elbow & Biceps? Try These Stretches

Do you suffer from chronic / nagging pain in the bicep area on the lateral (outside) area near your bicep insertion point or on either side of your elbow? Think about all that we do in the age of computers and cell phones.
When you type likely you are using either a mouse or the mouse paid to move the cursor, highlight text, scroll, resize items, etc. Having cell phones in our hands and constantly holding your biceps in a mid-range flexed position with the wrist deviated (side to side movement) can
also be the culprit or poor technique in the weight room with your wrists. Then, of course if you have a profession or hobby in which you do repetitive movements involving the wrist, forearms and fingers that can contribute to pain or discomfort due to overuse. All this can take a toll and may start becoming a problem if you never help these muscles relax with either massage or regular stretching for good muscle and joint health.
I remember in graduate school during my Kinesiology Lab class where we studied on human cadavers. Our tests consisted of a blank sheet of paper numbered with the number of muscles we were suppose to write down and spell the Latin words correctly for various parts of the body. I have never forgotten when it came to the hand and forearm that there were just so many muscles and with long names. The muscle on the cadaver simple had a push pin with a number. Not much of a hint for sure. I didn’t study nearly as hard as I needed to for those tests and aimed to do better on the rest of the body.
Over the years, I have gotten a few of these nagging pains and think it’s going to go away on it’s own. Well, it doesn’t so inevitably I have to make the time to do some of the stretches below as well as other self care bonus items that I am trained in like blading, cupping, trigger point/accupressure and massage. I have a few clients that I train right now that came to me with these issues and we are working on fixing them. It takes every day twice a day or more stretching to make it go away and stay away. I took these pictures while I was sitting on my feet just for the camera angles. I prefer to do these stretches and re
commend these stretches while you are sitting on the floor on your butt with your legs straight in front of you as you will have better posture and place your arms and shoulders in a better suited stretching position
Take a look at the first pic (fingers stretching) above. Likely you don’t take the time to do this one. Think about how much your fingers do for you every day. They deserve a little love don’t they? Next is a stretch for your wrist flexors, these muscles are on the palm side (anterior) of your forearms. You will be able to tell which muscles are the tightest. Be sure if you are hyperflexible NOT to overextend your elbow joints.
Now, check out the wrist extensors stretch. Visually inspect if you have one that is more flexible than the other. Are you trying to cheat to get into position by twisting your elbow or your shoulder angle?
Depending on where/what muscles your issues stem is where you will find relief in the stretches in this post.
Check out the 4 & 5 pictures grouped together below. This is a progression individually stretching different muscles or groups of muscles that work synergistically for movements.
Instead of trying to rush through the movements, try breathing and noticing when or if the muscle releases. You will know if you need more time on certain stretches. The dosage or amount of time is dependent on the results you get and can be increased or decreased as needed. In the acute phase, that means immediate injury you may not be to be aggressive due to the body’s inflammatory response. As you are at lease 3 days past an acute injury and no more swelling, redness or heat is felt in the injury regions then move on to these passive stretches. On the finger stretches you can do slow repetitions or dynamic/fluid type stretches. Moving and doing something towards better health will help you get back to your normal. In general, if you must know a time to hold then 10-60 seconds for each may suffice. As I say over and over again….Just listen to your body & be present.
CLICK HERE IF YOU WANT A FREE VIRTUAL FITNESS CONSULT (VALUE $87) or of our other services listed above. Just give me a call or text at 901-466-6242 and we can get you started with a functional fitness assessment and a few things to do on your own before the Greenville/Travelers Rest area location is up and running.
South Carolina Energy Fitness relocated site update: As of 1-29-2022 contractor said construction should be finished by end of Feb. 2022 which means March 2022 we will be painting, putting flooring in and moving the equipment in and start taking new clients. This week I ordered a large stainless steel catering style sink for the fitness floor. This will be great for the massage therapists to clean cups or blades used during sessions as well as clients making protein shakes and washing hands before and/or after sessions. The building is in much need of some landscaping in which I borrowed a pick ax for the clay soil but have to call utility company before digging!
Why put off your fitness…..let’s discuss your fitness & nutrition needs. All it takes is a call or text to get the conversation started. Maybe you can be one of the charter clients for South Carolina location, LET’S GET MOVING!
Tonya Tittle, M.S., ACSM, LMT, TPI Level 1
Energy Fitness
Owner/Dir. of Training