What If You Did These 3 Things? Would You Be Happier?

I want to share something I saw on a magnet in an art gallery today. Put aside all the scientific health and fitness information I have shared over the years and let’s break it down to 3 simple items to contemplate for this simple blog post. Take a few moments after reading to see which area you may want to implement more.
Sometimes less content is more!
Releasing soon the new platform for purchasing videos on demand for fitness and nutritional guidance E-book with 7 meal plans as well as trainer coaching course full of amazing content for the new trainer I used to train our staff. I’ve been busy uploading content but as of this blog post it still needs more. Will be adding content often and give the link to the site soon. Be on the lookout!
In the meantime you can find Tonya online with Zoom personal training/coaching or hire her to write a program for you with your own personalized 4-6 minute demo of each of your custom workouts included.
Greenville, South Carolina site to be available this year in the town of Travelers Rest, South Carolina. Stay tuned for more details as we are working on securing a location. Memphis location 552 South Main, Memphis, TN 38103 is no longer onsite for training, massage and nutrition coaching.