How Well Can You Get Up From A Chair? Try This Rx

When Energy Fitness does functional movement assessments on clients, one of the screens is a squat with arms overhead. If client can’t do with arms overhead then thumbs can touch shoulders and client tries again. The overhead squat test is a great screen as it can test for lack of ankle flexibility, the ability of the pelvis to tilt under and your overall ability to have strength and mobility to get up unassisted from a seated position. Watch very young children pick something up off the floor. They do a perfect squat with their butt positioned far back to ready for the balanced low position. So what has happened from birth to your own aging ability to squat? Injuries, tightness, lack of mobility, surgeries, inactivity, lack of strength or endurance?
Want to increase your squatting ability and make if look less ugly to others when you rise from a seated position? Not sure if any of you watched that Netflix series called Grace & Frankie with Lilly Thomlin & Jane Fonda but this was an issue for Jane Fonda’s character. She would get stuck on the toilet because her bum knee and inability to get up and from couches or other low seats. No body wants to have independence taken from them! Do something about it even if you just practice this move a few times per week for 10 reps.
This was filmed back in our Memphis location and the content is great. Once you master it without holding on to something then try holding your arms in front of you or lifting the other leg. There are all kinds of ways to make it harder so you can continue to get stronger and avoid getting stuck as you age depending on others.
Even though your legs are staggered make sure to keep your hips even left to right. Imagine your hip flexors have lights on them, keep those lights facing forward.
Because accessing yourself can be motivating either count how many you can do correctly and write down time and date. Access yourself every 6 to 12 weeks. Filming yourself may be inspiring as you improve as well. Time will fly by and you will forget how far you have come and improved. Be sure to rest a day in between. Those with lack of flexibility at the ankle may wish to put under heel of leg closest to chair a 2 x 4 or rolled up towel. You would be surprised how much this may change your ability to do this movement.
CLICK HERE IF YOU WANT A FREE VIRTUAL FITNESS CONSULT (VALUE $87) or of our other services listed above. Just give me a call or text at 901-466-6242 and we can get you started with a functional fitness assessment and a few things to do on your own before the Greenville/Travelers Rest area location is up and running (delays abound and we are working to get open so we can get you on the schedule).
South Carolina Energy Fitness relocated site update: As of 4-13-2022. We have been very delayed with construction to our dismay. Currently we are awaiting permit inspector to schedule onsite visit but progress is still being made where we can. We have painted first coat color(vibrant blue) for accent walls and painted other areas a shade of white. It looks great. Lots of supplies are at facility with more supplies like HVAC, tile for showers, glass garage door and glass double entry doors and many other smaller items. We will have track lighting like we did in Memphis which is so much better than harsh big box gyms.
Why put off your fitness…..let’s discuss your fitness & nutrition needs. All it takes is a call or text to get the conversation started. Maybe you can be one of the charter clients for South Carolina location, LET’S GET MOVING!
Tonya Tittle, M.S., ACSM, LMT, TPI Level 1