Tech neck is a problem with not only those that strain the neck muscles from looking up at a computer monitor, tv or device but also with individuals that tend to do occupational or recreational activities that tend to jut
I challenge you to make a list of your habits based on a daily, weekly or monthly timeline. Chances are that you have a different set of habits you may need to adjust or adopt to begin getting your right-size
Many clients at Energy Fitness, a personal training studio located Downtown Memphis, come to us with a list of previous injuries, current injuries, or illnesses and we design workout and nutrition programs to help get them get back to optimal
Do you have low back pain with tingling, burning or numbness
that may at times reach all the way down to your feet?
Most people will tell you that you have Sciatica. Don’t just accept that answer!
This post is
Working with our clients at Energy Fitness over the years our personal trainers discover how limited most of the population is in spinal flexibility once we get them moving and doing functional and balance exercises. Your thoracic spine is the
How often do you perform exercises in a twisting motion? Let’s take it a step further… how many do you perform without rotating at the hips? Without rotating my hips…huh? Often times I see clients, as well as myself, doing
The McKenzie Method is a reliable assessment process intended for all musculoskeletal problems, including pain in the back, neck and extremities (i.e., shoulder, knee, ankle etc.), as well as issues associated with sciatica, sacroiliac joint pain, arthritis, degenerative disc disease,
No wonder Energy Fitness clients & most of the population are confused about nutrition & specifically fats. Having Metagenics (clinical based supplement company) as our partner helps us understand how to help our clients & you to achieve optimal nutrition
Swimming can be relaxing & a great cardio workout once a person feels comfortable in the water and not gasping for air. If you are new to swimming and wondering where to get more information so you can incorporate it
Have you heard of carb cycling? What about calories cycling? As I talk to people that know I am a fitness and nutrition professional they often think healthy eating is just something they could never achieve. It could be that