A Few Essential Oils & Their Benefits
We love some Diana Sullivan, a healing arts practitioner that we were blessed to have at Energy Fitness in Memphis. We made a few videos a while back so I thought it was time to share this one about essential oils. This post was also inspired by my pop in to a guest speaker at massage school a couple of weeks ago on this topic. Did you know that there are several essential oils that are toxic and must have carrier oils. You don’t simply put the oils on your skin directly almost 99% of the time and some are very toxic if you put on then go into the sun (phytosensative).
Here’s a few with a video from Diana (dee-ah-na) that you may wish to add to your collection. By all means find pure or organic. Where? Well…that would be a whole different post. I have used now sports essential oils many times and liked. Don’t forget they have a shelf life as well and should be kept out of sun or high heat environments.
She has a gift of healing intuition, has wonderful spirit and is a certified Reiki Master (she attuned me to Reiki 2 Certified). Find and message her at https://www.instagram.com/thesensitivesage/
Come see us onsite for only 2 WEEKS at our Memphis location 552 South Main, Memphis, TN 38103 or find me online with live personal training/coaching or hire me to write a program for you with your own personalized 4-6 minute demo of each of your custom workouts included. Onsite following local covid guidelines as well as maintaining our current disinfectant procedures. You will have to sign a Covid19 release form, wash your hands upon arrival, etc.