We’re often telling our clients to make healthy food choices here at Energy Fitness, and today we’re going over HOW to get more cleansing foods in your regular diet.
Certain foods that are considered “cleansing foods” contain Indole-3-C (think cruciferous
Do you need to throw out what isn’t working or lagging and adopt new habits and cues that will better serve your fitness and nutrition goals and other areas of your life? Maybe your brain needs a software update. Just
At Energy Fitness, we get asked a lot of questions around fitness and nutrition. One of the questions we often get is “how often should I change up my workout routine?” It’s honestly a loaded question as there are many
Whether you realize it or not, you have mantras–phrases that replay over and over again through your mind. This is also called ruminating or in the south we call it stewing and that’s typically related to getting more angry about
Do you know or are you the guilty one when it comes to this principle? We’re talking about the phenomenon that happens when you have a really good workout, then “treat” yourself with a big piece of cake that night
What is cortisol? When your body is under stress it releases a steroid hormone produced in the adrenal cortex.
Here’s the downside to increased cortisol:
causes your body to store fat in your abdomen
increases blood sugar as your
Please just tell me what to eat!!!!!!!!!!!
This phrase is heard over and over again at Energy Fitness, a personal training and nutrition coaching studio with massage and body wraps located Downtown Memphis since 2002. What I’ve noticed being in