How’s Your Ankle/Calves Flexibility? 2 Ways To Improve

Notice that your calves seem to always be tight or you maybe you have always had this issue? Check out video below on how to foam roll your calves and the pic of how to use a smaller textured foam roller to use compression therapy for the soleus muscle (just above the achilles and below the calf muscle). One way you can tell if your soleus muscle is thigh is if you get good dorsiflexion (toe up towards the knee) during going the act of going downstairs. If it is chronically tight your knees may take more force from going down the stairs. This muscle helps you to toe of correctly during a walking gait and helps with balance as well.
Below is a video using a smooth foam roller. You can also use a trigger point ball, a metal water bottle, wooden dowel atop of a yoga block, a canned foods container or anything that may serve this purpose.
Below are some pics of me on a 12x4x4 foam roller I recently gave a client for Christmas. Here’s link to get one: 12x4x4 foam roller.
Hang in there with this position as it can be pretty brutal if you are tight in this position and have never done this before. A good test is to try going down stairs before you doing it and retesting your ease and ankle flexibility after holding the foam roller in this position for 60 seconds to 3 minutes. Make sure to point your toes as this is keeping the muscle in the best position for this release.
Who else needs accountability and a fitness professional with my over 30 years of experience getting people feeling and looking great? Semi-private 30-minute personal training via zoom twice weekly can get you on track. Choose from 10 session intro package plus functional movement screening or 25 session package.
Invest in yourself!
Get started by CLICKING HERE IF YOU WANT A FREE VIRTUAL FITNESS CONSULT (VALUE $87) or one of our other services listed above. Just give me a call or text at 901-466-6242 and we can get you started with a functional fitness assessment and a few things to do on your own before the Greenville/Travelers Rest area location is up and running.
If you haven’t had a functional movement assessment with a professional observe the way you move different joints and movements with your hips, shoulders, wrists and spine then how do you know you are doing the most effective strength training, flexibility or cardio program? Hire someone like me to get you on track with a program to help you reduce current pain, eliminate pain, improve your current program or enhance your athletic performance.
Tonya Tittle, M.S., ACSM, LMT, TPI Level 1
Energy Fitness /Owner/Dir. of Training
(Club 29 Fitness Inc.)
898 N. Hwy 25 Bypass
Greenville, SC 29690 (Travelers Rest area)