I love these self-care tips to help YOU and clients reduce pain. Last week when I was giving 5 massages, I must have had poor body mechanics on my last 2 clients that were super tight in the hips, glutes
Feeling like you have rounded shoulders especially after long days at a desk or computer, lots of driving or sports that enforce this position? I know we have all felt like this sometime or other. If anatomical position is defined
I have realized something more in the past few years especially in my new market. As I am writing this my husband age 56 is just one day post acl (knee) surgery made it up the stairs at our house
Are you back in the gym for the new year, working out at home or thinking about hiring a trainer?
Are you feeling as great as you can and living your best physical and mental life? A strong body is
Notice that your calves seem to always be tight or you maybe you have always had this issue? Check out video below on how to foam roll your calves and the pic of how to use a smaller textured foam
Sure, there are fancy apps to track your workouts but what about old school pen & paper. There is value in seeing your progress or lack thereof in real time and date. The more my body changes and as I
If you are self-reflective at all and each year, take a look at your habits either physically or nutritionally. That means you may be looking at your diet/way of eating. As a wellness professional with one of my qualifications &
As the new year approaches it can be a time of renewal to yourself and your habits. Take the last week of the year to be kind to yourself physically and mentally in preparation for next year. A client that
We all know that on the daily we need to consume 8 to 11 servings of fruits and vegetables but how many of us actually make it happen? There are many people that don’t even consume even one piece of
As a fitness pro for over 30 years and now a massage therapist for almost 2 years I have a keen interest in observing and accessing people’s functions or disfunctions in mobility, posture, strength, gait and bad lifting techniques.