Women…Will You Be Strong Enough To Help A Family Member

I have realized something more in the past few years especially in my new market. As I am writing this my husband age 56 is just one day post acl (knee) surgery made it up the stairs at our house with a crutch, the stair rail and the straight knee brace followed by a rolling walking towards his office. This kids and I’ve had to do a little assisting but glad he is active and has great arm and leg strength.
As you may have heard, the baby boomers are making up the largest part of our population currently. This may be you the reader of my blog or your parents. The baby boomer generation was the first to start exercise at an earlier age and they want to stay active and pain free. This group I call the go exercise for lifer’s. There does seem to be a gap between the active for the lifer’s/love of activity and sport VERSUS the individuals that want to do minimal activity. Which group you find yourself or loved ones in may motivate you today or in the very near future to get active so your own health doesn’t take a hit.
My observation is that women between the ages of 65-73 have been forced into caring for their spouse or significant others. Recall that women typically live 7-10 years longer than males? I have met many women that have to take care of cancer patients going through chemo or radiation therapy, recovering from surgery or a stroke. This means women going to doctors visits, doing all grocery shopping, lifting heavy items, cooking, cleaning, waiting on hand and foot, laundry and not having time for your own self care.
The biggest havoc is that the spouse or significant other needs help with balance, holding on to you during walking which can lead to shoulder, neck and spine issues for you, creating an injury or general out of alignment and fatigue as well as caregiver burnout. So much for travel if this is the case as there are too many steps, curbs, stairs or finances are strained due to the cost of medicines, surgeries and messing with your habits schedule.
No longer are you thinking of how sexy you want to look in your pants, how to accessorize your outfit or who you can impress with your fancy car, house or jewelry. Less about ego! NOW, you or a loved one are just be happy to sleep though the night, glad you can put on your pants without falling over, make it though the day without nagging pain in your joints, neck or muscles. Your mindset starts to shift. You tell yourself you should be thinking of things you can focus on to improve the quality of life. Core strength, being limber/mobile, muscular balance, cardiovascular health, keeping active so you can play with your grand kids or keep up with your pets may be a motivating factor to make exercise a lifestyle and a must!
Among the baby boomers group I have classified groups in own observation style with my keen professional wellness ability.
Which are YOU or A Loved One & How Can You Inspire Them To Be or Get Active?
The Lifer’s Group: want to stay active and pain free and willing to put in work it takes
They don’t make excuses on why they can’t exercise regularly
They force exercise and activity into their lifestyle…It’s just what they do
When they travel they research or call ahead about gyms, trails or classes in hotel or nearby
They use exercise for stress management
They want to get better at a sport or keep up
They invest and embrace self-care services to keep them injury and pain free such as massage therapy, personal training, gym memberships, yoga, spa services, healthy eating
Likes being independent
Has confidence to try new activities
The minimal group is broken down into what I call 2 different classes.
Group 1: they went hard and fast in their younger and/or middle age years and everything wore out from shoulders, back, knees, bulging discs, wrist issues.
May have had replacements or surgeries
they no longer have the motivation
they live with chronic pains
decrease in mobility and flexibility to keep a regular exercise/activity schedule
typically needs group classes to get them motivated or stay accountable
may seek out a personal trainer to lead them in right direction so they don’t injure themselves
Group 2: never exercised regularly and really starting to feel old before their time
gets injured easily and takes longer to recover
little muscle mass
increased chance of osteopenia or osteoporosis
higher risk for hairline fractures
when getting massages less ability for therapist to do deeper work due to lack of muscle mass barrier which can make massage especially in some areas slightly painful or uncomfortable
gait starts getting slower
challenging to get up and down from chair/couch
less agility and power
declined grip strength which is an indicator for longevity
tends to just give in and eat less healthy foods
can lead to overindulging in both food or drink
feels they have to far to improve and effort is just not worth return
typically needs group classes to get them motivated or stay accountable
Who else needs accountability and a fitness professional with 30+ years of experience getting individuals moving better, sleeping better, stronger and pain free?
HOW: Semi-private 30-minute personal training via zoom twice weekly can get you on track. Choose from 10 session intro package plus functional movement screening or 25 session package.
Invest in yourself!
Get started by CLICKING HERE IF YOU WANT A FREE VIRTUAL FITNESS CONSULT (VALUE $87) or one of our other services listed above. Just give me a call or text at 901-466-6242 and we can get you started with a functional fitness assessment and a few things to do on your own before the Greenville/Travelers Rest area location is up and running.
If you haven’t had a functional movement assessment with a professional observe the way you move different joints and movements with your hips, shoulders, wrists and spine then how do you know you are doing the most effective strength training, flexibility or cardio program? Hire someone like me to get you on track with a program to help you reduce current pain, eliminate pain, improve your current program or enhance your athletic performance.
Tonya Tittle, M.S., ACSM, LMT, TPI Level 1
Energy Fitness /Owner/Dir. of Training
(Club 29 Fitness Inc.)
898 N. Hwy 25 Bypass
Greenville, SC 29690 (Travelers Rest area)