Whether you realize it or not, you have mantras–phrases that replay over and over again through your mind. This is also called ruminating or in the south we call it stewing and that’s typically related to getting more angry about
Do you know or are you the guilty one when it comes to this principle? We’re talking about the phenomenon that happens when you have a really good workout, then “treat” yourself with a big piece of cake that night
Mae Jensen, licensed massage therapist and Tonya Tittle of Energy Fitness (a personal training studio in downtown Memphis) partnered up to tell you how to do self-care massage and stretching for low back pain.
Oftentimes when the lower back
What is cortisol? When your body is under stress it releases a steroid hormone produced in the adrenal cortex.
Here’s the downside to increased cortisol:
causes your body to store fat in your abdomen
increases blood sugar as your
Please just tell me what to eat!!!!!!!!!!!
This phrase is heard over and over again at Energy Fitness, a personal training and nutrition coaching studio with massage and body wraps located Downtown Memphis since 2002. What I’ve noticed being in
Pain meds are only merely slapping a band aid on pain & inflammation. Resolve it with this product I love to recommend to my personal training and nutrition coaching clients. It’s long name is called Specialized ProResolving Mediators (SPM
You know that we here at Energy Fitness care about the total holistic exercise experience, and not just on weight loss or toning. We want to make sure you’re not only strong and lean, but also healthy and flexible. Moving
Do you have or ever had that persistent nagging or occasional twinging pain in your shoulder that seems like it just won’t go away? This pain can be in the front or top of the shoulder or near the shoulder
cra•ni•o•sa•cral ther•a•py (involves the cranal – head and the sacral – sacrum bone pelvis region)
Instead of reaching for medicine, sugary foods, or other vices for stress, pain, orthopedic problems, TMJ syndrome, brain fog and etc.. discover how YOU can
Deficiency in this one mineral can lead to:
interrupted sleep
hormone imbalance
a deficiency in other minerals, like potassium and calcium
low energy
toxicity in the cells
arteries eventually becoming “calcified”
muscle spasms (restless legs)
anxiety & depression