We all know that on the daily we need to consume 8 to 11 servings of fruits and vegetables but how many of us actually make it happen? There are many people that don’t even consume even one piece of
As a fitness pro for over 30 years and now a massage therapist for almost 2 years I have a keen interest in observing and accessing people’s functions or disfunctions in mobility, posture, strength, gait and bad lifting techniques.
I’ve been reading the book lately and one of main ideas is that having a properly functioning metabolism is the key to avoiding many illnesses that plague us in today’s world. Things that you do or not do directly affect
If you haven’t tried this stretch then check it out as it can really get into the muscles that attach/verge or cross near the armpit area. If you can’t straighten your legs then try sitting on a yoga block or
This is a very common question and it’s the key to the success you wish to have with your strength training program. How many reps you do can vary for muscles used, frequency of training and your recovery from other
Sometimes don’t you just feel “off” or just not yourself? It’s really hard in this day in age when we have lots of information crammed at us from all angles. Talk about trying not to be distracted, you have to
This exercise gives you a great hip hinge isometric hold whilst working the upper back and posterior shoulder. In the video below you can see me using a cable machine with a single handle. The hand position can be palm
I felt compelled to write this post because since I have added massage therapy to my skill set and incorporate massaging the pectoralis major and minor into my massages it is so crazy how people just can’t take much pressure
How many of you remember having your wisdom teeth taken out, if at all? I do. It was my freshman year in college during spring break I think. I just know that I had to go back to college as
While I have been Nutrition coaching clients for years before and after Metagenics First Line Therapy Certification I always take a lot of client factors into consideration. Clients know you they getting scientific information from me regarding general and sports