Ever have that twinge in your low back and can’t figure out how to make it go away? Did you do those exercises we posted last week and were super sore but didn’t know how to get muscle ache
Clients love this exercise when I have them do it or prescribe it for a do it yourself strength program. Have a stability ball? You will need one for this exercise. So many people just don’t move their body or
While I have been Nutrition coaching clients for years before and after Metagenics First Line Therapy Certification I always take a lot of client factors into consideration. Clients know you they getting scientific information from me regarding general and sports
When Energy Fitness does functional movement assessments on clients, one of the screens is a squat with arms overhead. If client can’t do with arms overhead then thumbs can touch shoulders and client tries again. The overhead squat test is
This topic just came into my head as I was contemplating on what this weeks blog post was to be about. Any time we take on new clients over the years it’s always interesting what they say in the original
At Energy Fitness our clients often come to us with aches and pains that can be relieved with stretching or exercises. Often pain in one spot is a referral from other tight muscles. We wanted to show you a few
We don’t think of foods that are good for our body and our needs until it’s affected. Why not eat healthy and incorporate these foods before signs of need. The 23 & me saliva test is a great genetic test
This week on Monday & Tuesday I did what some would say is back breaking labor. I did two days of landscaping for the relocated Energy Fitness in order to increase curb appeal. Highway 25 is a busy 6 lane
I like to eat sweets as well as the next person. I have used better and healthier ingredients for the past 20 years and continue to discover new ingredients to incorporate. Check out my latest recipe I found on the
As a personal trainer and licensed massage therapist I can’t tell you how many times over the last 30+ years of my fitness career that individuals have either pointed to, poked, lifted up their shirt or spoke about their desire