Reverse Tech Neck With Band Exercises & Stretches
Tech neck is a problem with not only those that strain the neck muscles from looking up at a computer monitor, tv or device but also with individuals that tend to do occupational or recreational activities that tend to jut the neck forward. Driving for long distances can also cause this issue or just poor posture in general. I have to both massage clients and incorporate these types of exercises and stretches for this commonplace problem. Why is it a problem? Besides headaches, neck and shoulder pain the problem is that having a head forward position puts a lot of strain on your cervical spine which then goes down into straining the muscles in the shoulder girdle and thoracic spine which can cause the dreaded humpback, slump or more scientifically known as Kyphosis. This can eventually cause chronic pain (pain lasting more than 3 months), arthritis or shearing forces on the vertebrae or ligaments surrounding them.
We all know that pain can affect your sleep, work performance, play time or lifestyle in general. Let’s get a jump on reducing or eliminating pain by starting and keeping a good self care routine for to reverse or prevent tech neck.
Check out the video below for a demonstration using a resistance loop band. As you get stronger increase the resistance of the band you use. For the band exercise try for 2-3 sets of 15-20 reps holding each rep 2-3 seconds. For the stretching position hold each side for 90 seconds or longer and in the middle for 30-60 seconds or longer. Do every day for 6 weeks. Have someone take a side profile picture of you before and 6 weeks after. You will notice a difference if you are being consistent. For the hours you spend in tech neck position it’s really minimal effort to counter those negative effects.
Here’s a pic if you want to print and give yourself a reminder of the correct set up position. I am sitting on a stool with feet flat on the ground. Be sure to place your shoulders away from your ears and slide your shoulder blades back and into your back pockets. This is the starting position. Keep your chin tucked.
This is a great stretch if you can get on your knees. You will be stretching your neck to both sides. Try touching your chin to your shoulder/chest each side then to the middle. If you cannot do this on the floor then sit on a chair and lean forward placing your elbows on your knees.
Why put off your fitness…..let’s discuss your fitness & nutrition needs. All it takes is a call or text to get the conversation started. Maybe you can be one of the charter clients for South Carolina location, LET’S GET MOVING, even if it’s online for now. Plans to restart construction for relocated location from Memphis to Greenville (Travelers Rest area), South Carolina is planned for this fall 2022.
Tonya Tittle, M.S., ACSM, LMT, TPI Level 1
Energy Fitness
Owner/Dir. of Training
(Club 29 Fitness Inc.)