Get ready or start now getting Your body tight and toned! There never really is a good time to start working out so just start somewhere and with our guidance. It’s never been easier to workout at home or the
I just finished a continuing education credit on Structural Integration for my Massage Therapy License in South Carolina. I’ve always been interested in it since I was introduced many years ago by a massage therapist during marathon training. This blog
Did you eat too much or too much of the “not great for your health” foods. Let’s not even call some of the food you ate actually food. If it were food you could have correctly said and spelled the
My husband has this little saying that he passed on to me and the kids. Have you heard of the acronym? ICKY (Impatience can kill you). Mark’s dad told it to him and we are blessed to have it passed
Finally a warm drink in cold weather I can get behind besides just herbal decaf teas and less than your drive thru name brand coffee habit that just messes with your insulin. I’m one of those not on the milk
Don’t the majority of us workout for the physical results you see in the mirror. In this often superficial world, let’s face it, that can be a real motivating factor in keeping you consistent with your workouts and amount of
A cycling race that took place yesterday, here in my new town of Travelers Rest, South Carolina called Hincapie Grand Fondo Series was a sight to behold. The ride consisted of 15 miles, 50 miles or 80 miles of amazing
Do you wake up with shoulder pain now or ever have? Do you have chronic shoulder aches? Maybe it’s your sleeping position. Having personal trained so many clients over the past 20 years so many people don’t consider the time
Let’s face it, working the back of the legs with that darn leg curl machine at the gym or deadlifts aren’t most individual’s favorite exercises. Okay, maybe I’m projecting a bit. I do know that lots of clients over the
So I’m not a fan of keto for all. I know there are a group of people that this method of diet works for them. It does not work for me as my 23 and me report says that with