Our personal training clients are always wanting to improve posture, especially runners and desk jockeys. I have done many a blog post showing different ways to stretch different parts of the body. Lately I have been intent on wanting to
So many clients go to personal trainers because they just don’t know what or how to work out kinks in their body and be able to get stronger at the same time. I recently added these three exercises as a
So often as a fitness professional it never fails, I tell people when asked what I do for a living and they start spilling out all their woes/pains and struggles to keep or get fit. Some are easy suggestions while
Energy Fitness has been partnered with Metagenics for about 8 years to date and loving the results it brings to our clients, friends and myself. I have the ability to look on my backend dashboard to see the most popular
Being in the Fitness industry for over 30 years I’ve seen many people struggle and become very frustrated with their ability to lose weight. Many barriers exist that we can either decide to take action against to discover success or
When people that don’t know me find out or overhear what my profession is they have questions about themselves or about a loved one. I am eager to help offer some information but am cautious as to not diagnose or
I’ve been coaching individuals in the field of fitness for over 30 years. The more I learn and practice, the more I can pass on that knowledge to you and others so you can reach optimal health. If you are
As a personal trainer with Energy Fitness and now massage therapist in training (just have to take licensing exam now, then I’ll be official ;)) There are lots of you that don’t realize how you might need strengthen your inner
I’m reading this book called Happier Human: 53 Science Backed Habits to Increase Your Happiness. Working so closely with clients in the wellness promotion profession we see and hear about individuals inner struggles, fears, frustration or happiness and gratitude as
Cinnamon is a common spice and it has lots of healthy benefits. Often our clients at Energy Fitness personal training and nutrition coaching studio located the Greenville/TR area ask for tips and tricks for losing weight. Aside from healthy eating,