When people that don’t know me find out or overhear what my profession is they have questions about themselves or about a loved one. I am eager to help offer some information but am cautious as to not diagnose or
We love some Diana Sullivan, a healing arts practitioner that we were blessed to have at Energy Fitness in Memphis. We made a few videos a while back so I thought it was time to share this one about essential
Many of you may know I am down the home stretch finishing Massage Therapy School in South Carolina. It’s been an educational experience that will enhance my extensive resume thus far. Several students and instructors have asked me if they
I love Diane’s success story and happy to have been and continue to be a guiding force for knowledge and inspiration. I like to share these stories to get some of you believing in yourself and your efforts as well
For years I have been on clients about proper shoe wear and give them feedback when coming in for their personal training session. Some of my trainers that worked with me would say I was being hard on clients and
Oh my goodness, as an exercise physiologist and a personal training studio owner for the past 18+ years I forget just how much people don’t know. Yesterday I went to a YMCA in downtown Greenville, SC so I could make
I’ve had some serious thoughts about glute dysfunction and tightness for sometime now. Being in the fitness profession for almost 30 years plus being a cross country and track collegiate athlete I have seen a lot of bodies not moving
As a personal trainer, nutrition coach and cross training athlete I am always on the lookout for supplements to enhance my health, well-being, energy and keep stress at bay so I can continue to be energetic and exude the best
To be complete Feb. 2021. As I sit and quickly take a break to write this post I look around the boutique studio that made a name in Memphis for almost 19 years. My family made the eight hour journey
As a personal trainer and nutrition coach at Energy Fitness I am often telling clients the benefits of different foods, spices and supplements for ones health. Anyone that knows me well knows that I like spicy foods and jalapenos are