Everyone deals with stress differently and we all have different levels at different times in our lives. Instead of the usual no good outcome on the other side ways of dealing with it like drinking, eating, shopping and other coping
As many of you know at Energy Fitness one of our services is Nutrition Coaching often included as our method of personal training for our clients to get overall success.
Speaking with my step-mother this week she alerted me to
At Energy Fitness personal training studio not only do we do personal training and massage therapy we also do nutrition coaching, meal plans and supplement recommendations. In early March when I went to pick up a marketing banner at The
How are you grounding yourself these days? Some of us are still running around with our heads cut off and not having our usual ways of letting off steam (or consuming excess food and drink) while others are finding overdue
Even though Energy Fitness personal training studio isn’t onsite training clients for now since we are now virtual we still feel compelled to give nutrition and fitness advice.
It’s the perfect time to hone in on your diet and feel
A client at Energy Fitness inspired this post as her son is an award winning swimmer. His duck footed stance is great for one stroke but terrible for freestyle/front crawl stroke. Do you know someone that walks with turned out
With more people working from home during this Covid crisis many of us are finding that we are in or around the kitchen a lot more. That can result in many more opportunities to decide to put something in your
As we are well into several weeks of the Covid19 crisis there’s no longer just a run on toilet paper. Several Energy Fitness clients are having trouble finding dumbbells, bands and other such equipment such as stability balls. I took