There’s a Run on Fitness Equipment…Not Just Toilet Paper
As we are well into several weeks of the Covid19 crisis there’s no longer just a run on toilet paper. Several Energy Fitness clients are having trouble finding dumbbells, bands and other such equipment such as stability balls. I took a look at one of my favorite sites to purchase fitness equipment for our studio and saw for myself that several items are back ordered or state that there is a delay in shipping due to increased demand as of late.
This blog post is to get you to think differently about what you can substitute or use as temporary make shift fitness equipment. Some of us (like me) make if a priority to have fitness equip available at all times (call me a fitness equip hoarder-but come on…it’s my chosen career). Others rely on a big box gym or their condo or apartment gym while many just go for a walk or run. Where are you right now in terms of fitness equipment available to your during this Covid19 quarantine?
How will you keep unwanted pounds off and stay fit and tone as well as mentally work off steam? Without cable machines, dumbbells, cardio machines like EFX or bike if you don’t happen to have an actual bike, golf courses, country clubs with tennis, onsite yoga and fitness classes at the YMCA or Kroc, pools for swimming (I’m really close to finding a body of water and put a wet suit on soon as I am missing my bi-weekly swims) what are you to do?
With so many options being cut off so fast it is leaving many people scrambling how to maintain normalcy.
Here are some simple suggestions and exercises that you may not have previously thought of. When in need, do and find what is necessary.
Ottoman, chair, couch or stair, suitcase or bag loaded with canned goods, park bench or stump
Pictured above: side step ups (you can also face the step or stair), top right: plies/sumo squats
bottom left: chair lunges (to work more backside/butt step out with front leg more- to work more quad/front of leg step back closer to trail leg), bottom right: dips can be don on chair, couch or step with straight or bent knees (stack some heavy books or a backpack or purse filled with rocks or other heavy items)
Top left: seated side raises for great shoulders top right: shoulder push ups (keep your chin tucked-this is the advanced level with 1 leg up so you may wish to try both legs on floor) Bottom left: tricep kickbacks
HOW MANY REPS SHOULD I DO? either go for 15-20 reps for muscular endurance and move on to next exercise or try doing it more HIT style and with a timer. Example: 20 seconds of one exercise straight to another 20 seconds each of 2 other exercises and rotate those 3 exercises for 3-5 rounds then do jump rope, mountain climbers or jumping jacks for 100 reps.
Our clients are consulting with us more than ever at this time. We are also taking on new clients via virtual consultations and fitness assessments.
Many businesses are shifting gears at this time and our goal of helping you be fit and healthy hasn’t changed. Energy Fitness biggest source of business is our personal training sessions. Fitness is what we do so regardless of if that is in person or online we know what you need to do now and going forward. My 90 year old client is starting his first virtual session next week.
What we are discovering is that people that normally just go to the gym are at a loss of how to still make it happen and be accountable for their workout programs.
Usually this is where we tell you what we offer and see if you want to come in for FREE consult, schedule a massage or Nutrition Coaching Services onsite. But, times are different and we’re on lock down with the COVID19 and doing all our training online video and kicking some butts in peoples own spaces. They have been surprised how much we can get their heart rates up, muscles burning and are so appreciative for our help in designing a custom workout program during quarantines.
Tonya Tittle, M.S., Owner/Dir. of Training, Energy Fitness (established 2002)
ACSM, TPI Level 1 Certified, Rock Tape, Rock Pods (cupping therapy), Rock Tape Blades & Blades Advanced
FMT Basic, Metagenics FLT
Here’s what Energy Fitness is offering online NOW…and maybe as a continued service in the future since it’s been such a helpful service and a hit for individuals seeking professional fitness advice.
+Virtual Consultation for those wanting either a written program, virtual training or nutrition coaching-FREE (value $87)
+Virtual Functional Movement Analysis / Assessment (onsite value $100, online $40)
+Nutrition coaching with nutrient and meal timing considerations and meal plans
+Supplement suggestions
+Equipment purchase suggestions
+Personal training program design by Exercise Scientist (Tonya) and additional certified personal trainers on staff (must include assessment-how else can we determine what your body needs if we don’t test your quality of movement) Program design for 2 workouts is $40-$60 depending on if you need links to video demos. You may consider additionally purchasing 2 virtual sessions to have trainer demonstrate and watch your form). Example package: assessment, 2 workouts for you to do on your own and 2 virtual sessions.
+Virtual Personal Training 30-35 minutes 1-3 clients per session
+Small virtual packages of 4 to 5 sessions (1 assessment and 4 sessions)
Call, text or email us to get started today!
901-466-6242 or
The services below as well as onsite personal training and nutrition coaching to resume when the lock down on social distancing has lifted!
Click here for information on our Healing Arts Services
(Massage, Body Wraps, Reiki, Chakra Alignment, Crystal Therapy