Sinus & Allergy Natural Remedies
It’s a tough time of year to be outside when the tree pollen is crazy high, at least where I live. Some people are still getting snow and somewhere in Texas they received 4 inch hail this week. The climate is all over the place. Oh yeah, I believe in global warming but let’s not go there.
Sinus and allergy issues are on my mind because I have been suffering all week. Last weekend we did some digging, planting of privacy bushes, trimming brush, etc and wowza did that ever elicit an intense week long sinus suffering that lead to some exercise induced asthma attacks by Thursdays workout. I don’t know about you but I use to get sinus infections twice a year with the occasional loss of voice for many years until I changed my diet. It’s been a bit since one got me as bad as this one has so I was throwing all kinds of natural cures at it as well as had to cave and take over the counter medicine.
Here are a few natural ways I know of for sinus and allergy issues:
Oblas inhaler stick. Basically it’s aromatherapy. Natural Olbas vapors provide a pleasant, refreshing, and cooling sensation to your nasal passages. Especially beneficial during times of seasonal discomfort, low humidity and other unwelcome nasal encounters. Fast-acting, penetrating vapors provide an immediate, fresh, clean feeling in the nose, sinuses and lungs.
Eucalyptus drops steam facial. Pour boiling water in a extra large bowl. I like to use a metal mixing dish. Place 10-12 drops of Eucalyptus oil in bowl of water. Sit in a place where your you can place a towel over your head and shoulders and lean over the hot water. You may have to wait a minute or few before you can hover over bowl and not burn your face or nostrils. I will do the steam for 12 minutes and taking peek a boo fresh air breaks for a few seconds as needed. Really take deep breaths via your nostrils as much as you can. You may have to blow your nose a few times during this process.
VapoRub on my nostrils, chest, upper back and feet at night.
Inversion table for 5 minutes. This was actually great as when I was upside down I could actually breathe better. Can’t hang upside down all day though!
Fascial blade my sinus areas near cheeks. I could actually hear liquid. Gross!
Steam room after a swim.
Breath easy tea
Reflexology on my feet at the base of my toes and in between my toes. Wow, this was so sore when I tried this on day three and again on day four.
Irritated eye drops
Elevate my head on my sleep number bed
Dry brushing my lymphatic areas in my neck more than usual
Continue to take bee pollen, shaken into my mouth post exercise and before my protein shake. I swear when I bought the new batch a few weeks ago I could feel a little allergy flare up then and of course then I full on went outside just shaking and cutting trees limbs almost daring my body to act up.
Eat green apples, oranges and kiwi
All of these above natural cures may have may helped me get through it faster as in the past I would suffer for 2 weeks. This is why I did on day 2 have to break down and take Mucinex D & Nyquil then opting for sudaphed, cough drop suckers and the like. I was sneezing, dripping and sniffling and just plain suffering. I even had to wear a mask (uggh) a few times during massages just so I wouldn’t nasal drip on them. Not sure they would notice as it might just feel like (but seriously, gross).
Next time Note to self and YOU…Wear a MASK if doing yard work during pollen season to avoid sinus suffering. So worth it!
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Tonya Tittle, M.S., ACSM, LMT, TPI Level 1
Energy Fitness /Owner/Dir. of Training
(Club 29 Fitness Inc.)
898 N. Hwy 25 Bypass
Greenville, SC 29690 (Travelers Rest area) shooting for June 2023 re-open date!